Monday, November 5, 2007

A Warm Welcome - Back in the States

I'm back! And I guess you have to come home sometime, so here I am, back in the States and the sorrow I feel for having my trip end is real and all my many experiences are now just memories.

Once landed, it was a perfect surprise to be greeted by my favorite sister and closest friends at the airport. The flight was quite long, launching from Bangkok to Japan, through San Francisco and finally a trails end in SLC - it was roughly 22 hours in transport. I can't say I slept much at all, and also left on no sleep, trying to enjoy my final moments in Thailand - with a massage, 11:30 pm pedicure, and all my last minute shopping. The worst thing about the flight is that the movies were rotten and I only wished I could've slept through them. I was quite tired once we touched down. But having the girls there to welcome me home was fabulous. They'd bought matching "Hello Kitty" t-shirts in honor of Asia, and I was lucky enough to get one too.

It was an incredible journey over the last 4 months. I was able to visit Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, Laos, Myanmar/Burma and Malaysia. Words can't quite describe how I've felt and what I experienced. It opened my eyes to new cultures and a history lesson everywhere I went. I have an overwhelming love for the people and admire their strengths and the hope in their eyes. I saw a whole new level of poverty in several of the countries and I will forever ask the question why I was so lucky to be born here and have so much opportunity, choice and freedom?


Ashlee said...

Welcome Back!!! Your life will never be the same. I am glad you have a great time. It was nice to see a picture of Jenny and Andrea. I haven't seen them sence we graduated. You all are looking great! Ashlee

Erica said...

welcome back to the states! hope you're coming back to SF soon!

Trisha said...

Joy:) I've loved reading your blog about this "trip." I'm glad you kept us all posted! Don't stop now:)
Fun stuff to see Andrea and Jenny! And of course your sister and other friend (sorry, I don't know her:)
Will you be in Logan over Christmas? We will be again.

Latida108 said...

Joy- it has been great reading your adventures! I can't wait to catch up in person! I love you and miss you! Let's get plannin party huh!

Anderson Avenue said...

Joy just wanted to say "hi". I loved reading your blog. You have had so many amazing experiences. You are quite the world traveler.

Ashlee said...

Hey why did you quit? there are still other things you could post about your life!!!

Justin & Ashlee said...

Hey Joy,
Just thought I would say Hi since I came across your blog. Looks like you have had quite the adventure. Sounds like a lot of fun. Hope you are doing good.
Ashlee (Reeder)

Ashlee said...

I don't know if you ever check this or will ever get this but I heard about your dad and I am so sorry. I don't know much but I hope that things will work out for the best. Your family is in my prayers!